Arabian Horse Consultancy
Emma Maxwell – Arabian Horse Consultant
Emma grew up with Arabian horses and has been working as a specialist in Arabian horses for over 25 years both in the UK and all over the world.
Arabian Horse ConsultanT
If you have a vision of your ideal Arabian horse, Emma can help you get there!
She grew up on an Arabian breeding farm, which owned and bred multiple World Champion halter horses, many of which she trained and showed to their wins.
She is an experienced horsewoman, judge, lecturer, writer, and photographer. She can analyse horses from all of these – sometimes conflicting- angles and give a range of insights.
Emma is used to consulting under the guidelines of an NDA. Confidentiality is a given.
wIf you need a horse or group of horses assessed in depth before purchase, or for future breeding plans, Emma can do assessments at a flat rate fee, which cover all the outer type, quality and conformation features of the horse. She will assess its’ movement on that day at all 3 paces and give a thumbnail view of its’ temperament and sensitivity.
Emma will have seen multiple generations in the pedigree of your horse and can add a research document outlining the best members of this family, so you can get a feel of what breeding strategies historically worked best with these bloodlines.
In association with Cloud8 who designed this site, Emma can help you make your website, and provide a copywriting and updating and maintenance service. She can provide the words and the knowledge tailored for your breeding program.
Winner of the Arabian Horse Times Readers Award for the 2021 book 40 Years of Paris World Champions
Most recently published “An Arabian Owners Rough Guide to Osteochondrosis” in both Arabian Horse Times US, & Arabian Horse Times Abroad.
Please see the photography page.
Emma has been a guest speaker about a variety of topics including Arabian type, temperament, history and bloodlines at International conferences and National Society meetings and Judges Seminars.
Including the 2011 WAHO Conference in Qatar, 2012 the Pyramid Society Conference in Texas, the 2017 WAHO Conference in Bahrain and the 2018 and 2019 ADIHEX Conference in Abu Dhabi and the UK Judges Workshops.
Click here to see the 2011 talk as a PDF
Top: Emma judging 2022 at the Melbourne Equitana in Australia, and below at Arabische Pferde in Westfalen, Germany.
Bottom: Emma was the Pedigree Speaker for the Pride of Poland Sale 2022.
Emma grew up in a horse-breeding family which bred Arabian horses as a business until 2002. Pat, Joanna and Emma of Lodge Farm Arabians bred around 25 Arabians a year from English, Straight Egyptian, Spanish, Russian and Polish lines and made their original combinations.
Lodge Farm bred several Halter World Championship winners and countless National and International Champions, plus Stakes race-winning Arabians and some Halter Champions, which also won on the race track. Lodge Farm Arabians had a holistic view of the ideal Arabian as not just a show horse but one which combined external beauty with athleticism and trainability.
Some Maxwell mare families are still breeding on for the world’s new breeders six or seven generations on.
Read here for the “Hagunia” family.
CRUSADER Straight Egyptian World Reserve Champion Stallion, International Race Winner.
ALIHA One Of Lodge Farm Arabian’s World Champion Mares
ADAWY Ridden Arabian Horse of the Year with Louisa Biles.
Emma lives in London, but still has some hands-on experience of breeding, owning the talked-about young stallion Wakil Aljassimya currently standing in Spain.
She still also occasionally breeds a foal, most of them with a strong Maxwell connection like Adawy, an International Halter Champion the HOYS (Horse-of-the-year) Ridden Arabian of The Year and most recently twice the HOYS leading sire of Ridden Arabians. Shown here ridden by his current owner Louisa Biles.
TEHAMA BALLALINA – World Champion Mare
For Al Zobair Stud
Since Pat and Joanna Maxwell leased El Shaklan as a breeding sire, having seen him place 4th out of five in his yearling colt class in Belgium, spotting great horses early has been a Maxwell tradition. The stallion Crusader was bought on the spot as a foal in Sweden and became a Straight Egyptian with a hard to match record – twice National Champion, twice World Reserve Champion Stallion, Nations Cup runner up, a winner on the racetrack in Holland.
Zimbabwe bred TEHAMA BALLALINA – the 2017 World Champion Mare was a discovery made by Emma at the South African Nationals and purchased for a UK client at 6 months old.
Emma was one of the most successful female Arabian horse halter trainers ever in Europe showing 5 Paris World Champions, and many other horses to titles at the Nations Cup, the Qatar International, the Middle East Championships etc.
She also organised and co presented the WAHO Parade for Turkey in 2002, working with a group horses previously unseen to most breeders. She later returned to Turkey to design a protocol for safely introducing horses to the Kurt Equine Training System.
With ESTEPA World Champion Filly 1990
Emma Has been an Arab Horse Society judge since 2001 and has judged the National Championships of the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Zimbabwe. She also judged the first online Eurasian foal show with entries from China, Russia, Kazakhstan and Finland. She has been teaching or examing for the UK judges panel since 2012.
She was one of the members of the Committee for the Europe-wide series of shows for Amateur Arabian owners and riders, The Amateur Challenge by Aljassimya. The Challenge was a starter show series for Arabian handlers and riders which ran from 2017 – 2021.
2011 to 2021 Emma managed the advertising for Qatar’s world leading Aljassimya Farm breeding program, alongside their other projects in the Arabian horse world, the US Arabian Open in Central Park in New York, the Europe wide Amateur show series and the pandemic inspired Online Shows in Aril and May 2020.
For my Photography please see my arabian horse photography page on this site.
She occasionally covers events such as The Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Arabian Horse Festival in Riyadh and the US Arabian Open in Central Park NY.
WH JUSTICE, photographed for Aljassimya Farm
Get in touch
Emma would love to hear from you, so please use the form below and she will get back to you as soon as possible